Steve Petersen - »The Northern Highland - American Legion State Forest: A Northwoods Jewel«
Steve's presentation will build on Paul DeLong's earlier presentation and make it more local to the Northern Highland-American
Legion State Forest. He will discuss the economic, social and cultural benefits of the forest and the challenges and opportunities
it faces managing for present and future generations.
CV - Steve Petersen has been the Superintendent of the Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest since August of 2006. The
forest is a 225,000 acre property managed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources for multiple benefits including recreation,
wildlife, water protection, forest products and native communities. Prior to his current position he was the Superintendent of the Brule
River State Forest, Chief of Operations for Wisconsin State Parks, and Superintendent of Nelson Dewey State Park. He worked summers at the
Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest through high school and college. He holds a bachelor's degree in forestry from the University
of Wisconsin - Steven's Point.